Product editing
Large product library will be created in process of BAZIS-Cabinet use at enterprise that will be the basis for new projects realization. New product development on the basis of existing prototype is executed at once. It is achieved due to rich capabilities of all design parameters customization with automatic product redesign: overall dimensions, material type and thickness, shelves, drawers and accessories number and arrangement, section fittings number and size.
Accurate fasteners mounting
Fasteners arrangement is design operation that is fulfilled for any product regardless of its construction and function. Sometimes it is necessary to mount many small fasteners to the model but it is difficult to view the process and it often leads to errors. They can be caused by insufficient fasteners quantity or invalid fasteners mounting.
Fasteners quantity and arrangement places are calculated automatically that guarantees design correctness.
Accessories modeling
Accessories are very important furniture elements that influence its function and aesthetic qualities. Accessories main elements are legs, tubes, highlight lamps, hangers and glides elements.
BAZIS-Cabinet module makes it possible to model accessories as well as to mount accessories to the model automatically according to specified conditions.
Case automatic construction
Case creation is the first step of model construction. This operation is fulfilled automatically on the basis of set parameters. They specify product dimensions, its construction peculiarities and used materials.
There are four cabinet furniture types: straight, bevel, corner and built-in. All constructions allow to mount any internal elements and doors, to mount fasteners and coat the edges automatically, to check all operations correctness.
Automatic construction of upper shelves and corner sections
Very often cabinets contain additional constructions – upper shelves or corner sections. They are connected to the cabinet in some way and replicate its elements and parameters.
Upper shelves and corner sections in BAZIS-Cabinet module are created automatically on the basis of set parameters.
Fast modeling
Model fast creation is achieved due to full automation of design and control operations.
Modeling is executed in dialogue mode via simple and vivid constructional parameters setup that makes it possible to undo any operation. Such approach ensures error-free design operations by automatic checking and eliminating of many subjective errors.
BAZIS-Cabinet module is fully compatible with BAZIS-Woodworker module.
Panel edges coating
Panel edge coating is very important technological operation that depends on product quality in many respects. It is urgent to define all the edges for coating at product design. Because there are very many parts and variants of their connection, manual coating edges control will take much time. Besides, there is strong possibility to miss some of them or select wrong coating material.
Panel mounting and editing operations are accompanied with coating materials analysis by preset conditions.