Many technological parameters create configuration that can be saved in settings file and used in further work. It includes two groups of values:
- model reading parameters that specify panel orientation and its elements reading;
- technological parameters that set separate panel elements processing modes and also algorithms of operation analysis.
Model reading parameters allow to transform separate elements into equal technological elements. Here are the examples. Furniture panel has two sides – face and back sides. It is easy to select them by default from the point of view of panel placing in a product. However it is not always reasonable for processing, that is why it is possible to reassign face side automatically, e.g. panel side with more blind holes is considered a face side.
Here is another example. If there are detachable shelves in neighbor cabinet sections, blind holes will be drilled on inner divider for shelfholders. In many cases two coaxial blind holes should be replaced by a through hole. Sometimes a through hole should be replaced by two oncoming blind holes. Holes interpretation mode is set by corresponding parameter.
Technological parameters specify modes and order of contours, grooves and panel holes processing. They include:
- external and internal contours milling path direction;
- tool selection for linear grooves on panel face creation: saw or mill;
- curvilinear grooves processing mode;
- tool number and name;
- milling speed;
- mill correction;
- tool lead in and lead out trajectory;
- rough and final milling of panel contour;
- control programs creation for several control systems for machine utilization optimization;
- panel rotation for its convenient arrangement on machine table;
- grooves processing with several mills depending on their configuration and finish machining demands;
- analysis of technological operations execution on particular machine;
- optimization modes of holes processing sequence;
- analysis mode of operations execution on a machine.