BAZIS-Stock module database has hierarchic structure that is the most natural for real working stock. It allows to divide the products into groups and to find necessary documents fast: packing lists, acts, reports, etc. The process of their generation is automated as much as possible. At the same time the user can easily edit any document, its form and content.
Reports can be created for selected product or product group. The main report types are the following:
- product receipt and expenditure list;
- product balance list;
- flow of selected goods list.
If there are several stocks at the enterprise, report can be generated for particular stock or for all the stocks. At any moment the user can get information about cost of products accounted in selected stock, delivered by requests, written off by lists or returned to surplus stock.
Accounting period for documents generation is specified by the user. It can be the whole period of stock work, interval between two dates, from current year or month beginning, the whole year, quarter, month or day.
Generated and used documents are moved to archive. They are available for viewing and editing if necessary. Any edited archive document can be printed out.
To connect with other applications BAZIS-Stock module realizes information export to dBase III and XML formats. Product database can be saved in 1С Rarus file.