BAZIS-Stock module may not directly influence materials purchase cost decrease but it may influence it indirectly – due to purchasing functions optimization in the following ways:
- Purchasing volume increase. Most of suppliers offer profitable conditions for purchasing increase. For this purpose it is reasonable to purchase the products for several orders simultaneously including those that are not delivered to production yet. BAZIS-Stock module allows to group the products by orders or by suppliers and also to create the single list of several orders (suppliers).
- Rush procurements decrease. Urgent need in some product means that there is no time to learn market offers thus conditions of supply may be rather unprofitable. BAZIS-Stock module use excludes rush procurements because it shows the products which amount in stock is less than minimum value.
- Dependence on human factor decrease. In BAZIS-Stock module all necessary materials, parts and tools are purchased according to requests generated in BAZIS-Estimate module. Requests are created on the basis of furniture models that contain necessary precise data for production. Purchase orders are processed automatically.
- Release of working capital. BAZIS-Stock module allows to optimize stock resources because only necessary for production goods will be purchased. It is supported by the following functional capabilities:
- powerful mechanism of purchase lists generation;
- products delivery by requests according to order priority;
- order products filtering by number or completion date;
- products purchasing by specified minimum batch.
- Optimal procurement and demand planning. There are rich capabilities for stock work analysis in BAZIS-Stock module, e.g. reports generation of product availability in stock, movement of goods, particular suppliers or recipients goods, etc. This information analysis allows to standardize used products and to plan products purchasing according to production planning.