Experienced specialists of technical support will answer all the questions concerning BAZIS system software use. Before your request please formulate clearly your question and prepare necessary information. It allows to solve the problem fast. Detailed information is given in Technical support rules.

Any request should begin with the following data:

  1. company name;
  2. your full name and position;
  3. program serial number in registration card.

Technical support schedule:

  • 5 days a week from Monday through Friday from 9.00 till 18.00 (Moscow time); c
  • first inquiry answer period is no more than 8 hours;v
  • inquiry closing period is not regulated.
  • Services:

    • consultation on BAZIS system modules or programs installation, reinstallation and deletion;
    • consultation on BAZIS system modules updates installation;
    • consultation on software functional capabilities and its modes use for solving particular problems;
    • offers receipt concerning software updating and its functions extension;
    • informational maintenance.

    Pay attention that users with expired technical support can be consulted only on questions connected with protection key functioning failure that leads to impossibility of software use.

    We can not consult you on the following questions within the limits of technical support:

    • setup of local networks or extranets, proxy servers, ports, firewalls and other software of other producers that may block BAZIS system modules work;
    • antivirus software work peculiarities that is able to block BAZIS system modules installation or use.
    • setup of Internet access and connection to back end servers of your enterprise;
    • unlicensed software use;
    • functional capabilities of other producers software;
    • BAZIS system software integration to Your enterprise information system.